Embracing Discomfort (in Challenging Times)
Holding hope in this reality is no small feat
We’ll be tempted to slip into despair or rage on countless days.
And some days we must …
To face our deepest fears and sorrows to discover we are not powerless against them.
My current mantra is this:
“I allow myself to feel the discomfort of____.”
Finish the sentence for yourself
Some other practical ways I am helping myself move through discomfort in order to alchemize it and transform it into Gold:
Refusing to abandon myself by reinforcing boundaries and the bar for how I will and will not be treated
connecting with like-minded friends and mentors, to process my honest and sometimes, messy human feelings in a safe and trust-worthy space (that last part is so important!)
Returning again and again, sometimes in the same day, to the practices and tools that help me move through difficult emotions
Nurturing myself with whole foods, ample water, vitamins and adequate sleep
Praying out loud about practically everything — and asking for Divine help
Continuing to tend to and show up for my daily affairs, rather than withdrawing into a hole or isolation
Giving thanks for those who continue to show up, wake up and speak out
Don’t fight the resistance friends.Embrace it as a valuable ally
to making the unconscious blocks in your life, conscious
and discovering what still needs attention and love, in order to stop holding you back.
Transform THAT and you’ll be unstoppable.
First come surrender.
Then comes release.
Resurrection follows.
This is The Way.
Walk in it.
We can do it together!