The Mother Knows This

You are a miracle-in-motion

sent from above

descending into the depths of this world

with but a Ray-of-Light

— a seed of consciousness

destined to affect great change.

The Mother knows this 

and it is her role 

to remove the veil from your eyes 

so you may see yourself 

in each other 

And in the world 

with love and a compassionate heart 

Coming to witness 

your own resilience 

and courage 

with the same pride 

and adoration 

through which she witnesses you.

What a marvel.

What a gift.

Irregardless of your own experiences with “Mother”

— and the earthly displays (or lack there of)

you have received

May you feel the Great Mother’s

Unconditional Divine Love

reaching towards you

Offering a hand,

A hope,

A help,

Where you need it most.

I see you 

And I honour You, Beloved 

In all the ways you mother..


Your children 

Your family 

Your Pets

Your friends 

Your clients 

Your community 

Our world 

And planet Earth 


Initiation in The Dark


Let’s talk shadow.