Transforming Trauma into Soul Power
When we’ve gone through
something really painful
and we do not feel seen,
heard or witnessed
in that hurt,
we tend to subconsciously
hold vigil for it,
by clinging tightly
— like a way of honouring
our inner child and saying,
this thing wasn’t right
and it mattered to me.
But as we do the healing work…
as we offer ourselves love
and acceptance in that pain…
and eventually others do too,
through the sharing of our pain,
we no longer need to hold on to it…
Because that experience
has received what it needed
in order to mend.
Perhaps not by the perpetrator
or the person we desired it from,
but by someone — be it ourself, God or another.
At that point,
we’re left with the lessons
and the love.
We no longer need to sit
by the grave site of our suffering
clinging tightly to the death experience
Instead, we can carry the experience
in our heart with compassion
and move forward.
If you could use some extra support transforming your trauma into soul power, I offer these Soulcare Journalling Reflections:
What pain, hurt and anger is asking for you to witness it with love?
Where are you in this sacred cycle of healing and liberation of that experience?
How can you be present and intentional with it today?