Expanding beyond what you've known
I want you to know today that I see you.
I see your name on this list, as your showing up to this circle of souls that gather.
I see your open of an email, as a desire to connect with like-minded hearts.
I see your click on a link, as a longing to grow and become the most radiant, free and vibrant version of yourself.
We can have all the friends and family in the world and still feel like no one truly sees us — or the things we keep inside.
I lived much of my life feeling this way.
And while I mined the gold of that reality—
learning to love the quiet,
enjoy my own company
and satisfy my own needs—
my heart longed for companionship… and many times, a guide.
Decades later, I can tell you that I have a small, but deeply intimate set of relationships where I feel safe and seen; loved and accepted for who I am.
But I didn’t start there.
For decades, much of my genuine connection came through mentors and teachers and healing groups
— people and places I paid to SEE me, listen and hold space for me, through different junctures in my life.
They helped me pave a different path and show up for myself in new ways.
Because I wanted more!
I was ready to expand beyond what I’d known and experience ALL of what Life had to offer me...
Not just the safe, small box I had resided in for years.
While shame could tell me that’s sad, the truth is, these relationships were invaluable and necessary on my healing journey.
They met me where I was at and mirrored back to me what was possible.
They held hope for me, while I was in-process and showed me how to access the medicine within.
“ BUT THEN suddenly the spirit will emerge.... through ordinary people, and answer in extraordinary ways. God speaks in the silence of the heart and we listen. ”
— Mother Teresa
Soul connections are one of Life’s great gifts.
They help us break through current barriers to become the next version of ourselves.
BUT -- we must be willing to accept the invitation!
When it comes to healing and liberation work, the journey is intimate and deeply personal.
It’s so easy to feel lost on digital platforms, like this one...
to think we’re just another email, heart, like or follow to the person we're connecting with.
I want you to know, you are SO MUCH MORE to me than that.
Each time I send a letter, I look over the names I’m emailing.
I want to see, recall and hold your face in my heart as I write and share.
Then before I hit send, I offer a prayer — for your heart and highest good.
Why is this important to know?
Because being SEEN is the first opportunity for us to feel loved
-- and consciously choose to receive it.
I hope today you will.
I have no doubt our paths were meant to cross.
Whether for a moment, a season, or a lifetime, I welcome that opportunity to present itself to our awareness.
Thank you for being brave — and being willing to let me see you.