Getting clear on what you want

Good intentions only go so far….


It’s the inner energy that matters. 

We magnetizes what we project through our thoughts, actions and words.

Growing up, my mom would say: “Careful…God is watching.”

And to some extent that’s true. 

The universe is taking cues from everything we put out there. 

That’s why it’s so important we’re clear on what it is we want. 

While at the same time, doing the inner work necessary to handle it when it arrives and clear out what’s no longer serving us. 

That looks like: 

Rewiring the nervous system 
Clarifying the subconscious mind 
Releasing fear, guilt, shame
And removing unwanted energy and attachments.

I desire to see women confident and equipped to self-heal and liberate at every step. 

Because the medicine is already within. 

We just need to strip away what’s keeping you from it. 

I’ll teach how to do exactly that— first with support, then for yourself. 

YOU are what you’ve been waiting for.. 

To end cycles of abuse and trauma 

Heal from loss and grief 

Release self doubt and distrust 

Your deepest desires are waiting on the other side! 

It’s time to stop getting in your own way and start experiencing the deep, fulfilling life you want — with yourself, with The Infinite and in relationship/  

Take that first step today, as a commitment to yourself and a signal to The Universe that you’re ready…

Say YES to more ease, peace and joy in your everyday life!

I’m here to help guide you away from dis-ease (of body, heart, mind and spirit) and move beyond surviving into a state of thriving as a Highly Sensitive Woman. 


Essential Foundations to flourish in every area of your life

Tools for navigating change, chaos and confusion with greater ease, joy and peace

Finally feel safe in your heart, your body and on this earth 

Skills for showing up with self-trust and healthy boundaries

How to up-level your Life, Self Love and Relationships 

An entirely new way of being — in yourself and in the world 

You’re a very smart woman who wears many hats! You’re highly capable of doing this on your own and figuring it out.

But I could save you years of time, needless struggle and potential suffering

Receive the gift of intimate Presence, Safe Space holding and practical guidance at every step. 

Ready to claim it?!

Breakthrough, reclamation and rebirth will be yours.


Queen of Re-invention


Getting out of a toxic relationship