Getting out of a toxic relationship

Getting out of a toxic relationship isn’t the hardest part….. it’s staying out. 


  • Recognizing the behaviours. 

  • Knowing the patterns.

  • Setting boundaries. 

  • Healing the trauma. 

  • Re-wiring the nervous system. 

  • Changing your mindset. 

  • Knowing your worth. 

  • Loving yourself more.

  • Trusting yourself most. 

These are the very things I have been studying, walking out and investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into over the past decade. 

Not because I wanted to be a coach 

or a counsellor 

or a healer. 

Because I wanted to break free. 

And free, I AM. 

I want this for you too. 

Countless women I talk to on a daily basis are stuck in unhealthy relationships with friends, family, colleagues and partners— even strangers! 

Yet, they don’t realize they’re in them.

Most think the dynamics are normal!

— why? 

Because they haven’t known anything different. 

The universal laws of reality will have us attract the same thing over and over again, until we learn it’s lessons and break free of it.

But it doesn’t need to be scary. 

Nor do we need to re-traumatize our inner child. 

Together we can alchemize your life experience and turn the shit into manure…

to grow a new experience.

Through a unique blend of holistic counselling, somatic healing and spiritual direction, we can move you beyond survival and a place of thriving. 

I’ll teach you the  foundations to flourish on ALL levels of your being, to experience a new reality, both within you and around you. 

But there’s catch. 

This isn’t for the faint of heart— nor is it a quick fix. 

This work is for those who are committed to their liberation and victory. 

It’s for the woman who is tired of repeating the same cycles of abuse and trauma, re-living the past through every relationship. 

Who’s finished running and hiding and is ready to face her shadow. 

It’s for the woman who understands the immeasurable value of her investment in inner healing and how it up-levels every area of her life, work, self love and relationships. 

Receive the support, tools, and safe container of ongoing and intimate support from yours truly. 

Are you ready?




Fill out an application today.

Your future Self is waiting… 


Getting clear on what you want


When being Human feels Hard