The She behind the He (of Advent)

This morning, as I lit my prayer candles, I found myself reflecting on the side of Christmas I haven’t yet given much thought to.



I drew my attention to the woman, who came before the man, in our Advent story. 


The woman who became The Vessel. 


The woman who’s free will YES, invoked The Light within her Womb. 


SHE laboured in faith, not yet knowing the fullness of what she signed up for, yet trusting she was chosen and anointed. 


It’s here, I find my reverence and devotion this Christmas
with her,
Mother Mary. 


In the same way Yeshua (Jesus) showed up and awoke my inner mystic, so too, has Mary revealed her Divine Feminine Embodiment in recent years. 


Through gentle, compassionate presence, she healed and empowered me with new ways of being — in myself and in the world. 


A true coming home 

to mySelf.

I see both my humanity and my Divinity mirrored back to me in her. 


She was Maiden, Mother and Goddess…. so too am I. 

And so are you. 


Even when we don’t feel it. 


She helped me see that.
And eventually believe it, with every fibre of my being. 


With the help of Mother Mary, I connected with my Higher Self and welcomed more of my Divine Embodiment. My soul came on the scene. 


I stopped living in my head and moved more fully into my Heart. 


With her help, I cleared decades and generations of patterns that didn’t serve my Sovereign Good. 


I learnt to live inside my human vessel and activate my Divinity to operate my human awareness. 


First for myself and then for others.

My intention in sharing this with you is to affirm whatever inklings, encounters or revelations you’ve had with Mother Mary of late. 


Like a Great Awakening, she’s revealing herself to countless people at this time. 


And it is my belief, that even more will come know her and embrace her, as they seek spiritual guidance and empowerment. 


 As a part of this community and in service to Sophia, I’d like to offer you a special Christmas gift. 


In this 45 min Guided Meditation and Channeled Reading, you’ll receive comfort in these challenging times and  spiritual healing for release of old grief and pain. 


May it assist you in this potent portal of time for regenerative transformation, through Mother Mary’s Grace and Power. If you do not yet have a relationship with her, I invite you to take a leap of faith and experience her beloved presence. 


She walked this earth as a Wayshower, and she is here to help you do the same. 


With gratitude for your presence here and the trust you have offered me in working together, 


Merry Christmas, Beloved. 


You are seen.
You are heard.
You are loved.



Sometimes it pays to wait. This year isn’t one of them


December Deep Dive