Sometimes it pays to wait. This year isn’t one of them
While 2020 was a roller coaster, the ride isn't quite over.
We’ve entered a new section of straight shoots, loops, climbs and free-falls further into the unknown.
We get to choose how we're going to work with the energy and opportunities of 2021.
We are all being initiated into our power -- from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity— away from mass thinking and black and white paradigms, into higher levels of consciousness and Love.
We'll have to apply the knowledge we've gained through 2020, while continuing to exercise wisdom and discernment.
We'll need trust, love and acceptance to get us through - for ourselves and for others.
Because we're bound to get it wrong and mess up.
That's how we learn.
Do you have a positive daily routine to help you?
Practices that make you feel grounded, connected to yourself, your heart and to Higher Wisdom/ God?
Tools you can turn to in times of overwhelm and anxiety and chaos, to release the pressure and shift your perspective?
Can you access your own medicine to self-sooth and change how you feel in difficult moments?
This is THE YEAR to live in flow, with more ease and a sense of security, even when life feels entirely contrary to that reality.
As one of my coaching clients puts it…. The ability to stand in the eye of a storm, with everything uprooted and whirling around you, yet feeling stable, knowing everything will be OK or turn out better!
Now that’s powerful!
And life changing.
I have done so much sifting, shifting and rising in recent years, I think it’s due time I share more about that in deeper conversation.
I have much to offer those of you who resonate with me and feel a kinship in my presence.
So with that in mind, I will be re-introducing myself over the coming weeks and sharing the ways in which I am here to serve you on your journey to freedom and wholeness.
Regardless of the level we work together this year, whether that’s through free offerings like this newsletter, workshops and classes or on-on-one coaching, a few things remain:
1) You will experience the presence of God/Source/Divine/Spirit
2) You will journey into deeper trust, self love and acceptance of who you are and why you’re here
3) The effects will overflow into every aspect of your life, from personal relationships, to your work and how you feel about -and in- this world.
It is absolutely possible to live beyond what you've known and the traumas of your past; to release the things that have kept you stuck, feeling small and hurting
to a place of empowerment
How do I know this?
because I’m proof.
Sometimes it pays to wait…. This year isn’t one of them.
Now's the time to commit to your personal growth and soul’s evolution, if you haven’t already.
Nothing changes until we do.
I have my own mentors, teachers and healers.
And take it from my experience, it’s so much harder going alone.
I caused myself oodles of unnecessary suffering when I refused help.
If it’s not with me, find someone who speaks your language and makes you feel seen - and safe!
What matters is that you have support — someone and something you can turn to for guidance and help.
Because we ALL need it.
And incase no one has told you today…
I see you.
And I'm here.
You are beautiful, loved and wanted, exactly as you are.