Vehicle of Manifestation

Our bodies are the vehicle of manifestation

for our thoughts and emotions

— so whether we’re conscious of it or not,

we carry around our lived experience

in our tissues and muscles and organs.

Through the gift of movement

and our willingness to be present in it,

we experience alchemy-in -action…

Lower vibrational states

(Pain, anxiety, depression, sadness, resentment, anger)

Into Higher Vibrational states

(Ease, grace, gratitude, delight, acceptance, contentment, peace)

We release what’s ready to be surrendered

and open up to make room for something new….

why we feel SO much better

after movement or exercise!

For this reason, conscious movement and embodiment practices

are a big part of my teaching and offerings.

This month inside The Academy, I am encouraging members to partake, once again, in the weekly embodiment practices we’ve covered this year.

Through review and repetition, we integrate and embody the medicine, our nervous system regulates and reaching for them becomes instinctual in acute times of need and stress.

Together we’ve covered Practices and Guidance for:

  • Transforming Triggers

  • Shadow Work Cleansing

  • Practicing Presence

  • Coming Back to Life

  • Embodied Movement

  • Higher Self Connection

I invite you to explore the benefits of membership and experience it for yourself!

✨Explore Embodied Faith Academy✨

For those interested and able to gather in person, I offer weekly Aerial Yoga Classes in White Rock BC.

Aerial Yoga combines yoga, pilates and aerial arts for a fun, playful, strengthening practice that’s incredibly beneficial for the body, mind and soul!

It’s benefits are vast and include:

* Deep stretching and tissue massage
* Minimal pressure Inversion support
* Decompression of the spine, neck and hips
* Balance and postural re-alignment
* Injury rehabilitation
* Nervous system regulation
* Core and stamina strengthening
* Inner child / Divine Feminine healing
* Empowering, confidence boosting
* Soulful, feminine embodiment

I recently received a text from a student who said it was The MOST FUN she’d ever had in a yoga class!

Check class schedule and read FAQ like what to expect, what to wear and what to bring!

✨Explore Aerial Yoga Classes✨


Facing what we previously couldn’t


beyond the experience of warrior