The invitation of the Crab


This past week I had three lucid dreams, all of which, involved my deepest fears, including dying.

I did not wake up mid way, I lived through them -  their resonance staying with me long after waking.

And in the days that have followed, I feel myself surrendering to their call, metaphysically.....

A dying to the self I’ve known and the past 33 years of my living reality. 

For me, this feels bold, rebellious even and contrary to my sentimental, achieving nature. 


In everything from my work, my appearance, my connections, my reputation, my responsibility, I feel my hands unfurling and opening to let it all go.


Like sand, I no longer care to hold it - or manipulate it. 

I’m tired of trying to hold. it. all. together. 

I want to let it be. 

Even if that means walking away, allowing someone else to do the job or letting the water wash it away.

Today and tomorrow, we enter the portal eclipse of summer solstice, as well as, the commence of cancer season (June 20 - July 21st). 

Like a crab, it’s time to exchange our old shells for new ones; to step back and allow our new shells the time, space and protection to harden and secure while vulnerable. 


And in similar fashion to our crawling friend, there’s an invitation to go slow, move sideways and inward this next month. 

I’m choosing to review the period from July 18th, 2018 to now - the astrological cycle we’re now completing. 


  • What lessons did I learn and embody to become?

  • What shadows of the past did I transform, like the Phoenix rising?

  • Where and how did I balance my masculine (doing) with my feminine (being)?


These are the things I’ll take forward.... 
The seashells I’ll return with for my collection. 

The rest beckons to be released.


In the wait.


The permission slip I didn’t know I needed